
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Fresh Start

About a week ago Ryan and I watched the documentary Food INC., and it had a huge impact on us. We always wanted to eat fresh and local, but never bothered to put in the time to make the change. After watching the documentary we decided from that moment on we would no longer be buying our meat and produce in the grocery store.  Not only is it pumped full of unnatural things that were never meant to go into our bodies and shipped from all over the world, but the way the animals are treated is absolutely apalling. Seeing chickens raised in coops where they will never see the light of day and cows standing knee deep in their own feces was the last straw.

The American supermarket has no seasons, you can walk in and get tomatoes year round. Eating local you get only the freshest ingredients and here is a shocker, they taste SO much better. When you eat local not only are you getting better healthier foods but you're supporting your local economy and farmers. It's a big step and even a little scary. It will change the way you cook because you will only have the ingredients that are in season in your area to work with. I imagine I will be posting my dishes and recipes soon.

 The best way to make a change is to join a CSA.

"Community Supported Agriculture or CSA, is an alternative food system... It represents an informal agreement forged on an annual basis between a farmer and a group of members to produce and distribute food.  Members, sometimes referred to as shareholders, are people concerned about where their food comes from, how it is grown, and by whom.  They recognize the connections between thier food choices and the economic system that supports it...."  - The Community Supported Agriculture Handbook, The Center for Sustainable Living, Wilson College

For our meats we got a half share at a local CSA and paid $325 plus $50 membership fee for a10 weeks of meat. Each week we get four different cuts of meat one of which is substitued for 1/2 a dozen eggs every other week. This week we got some ground beef, beef stew meat, beef shoulder roast, and pork chops.  All the meat is pasture raised, grass fed, and hormone free.

For our produce we decided to go with a delivery service, Greenling,  that offers local and non local organic foods.  We will buy a local box every other week for $35 and we can add anything else we need or want for the week. They sell everything from meat and dairy to produce and pantry staples.
This week in the local box we recieved:
Asian Pears, Prickly Pears, Sweet Potatoes, Assorted Peppers, Okra, Sweet Potato Greens, Summer Squash, Pickling Cucumbers, Eggplant, Loose Shallots, and Limes. To that we added two white onions and .5lb of Purple Hull Peas.

Not Convinced.. Just take a look at what showed up on my doorstep!

I encourage you all to watch Food Inc, for yourselves and be informed what the Government is allowing to happen to the food you feed your families everyday. ( I will write more on this later)

 To find local CSA's in your area go to and for delivery service check out 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Candy Chronicles...

I'm on a mission.. I want to start baking and making candy..
We all love candy and baked goodies right?..  Plus I have to put my Kitchenaide to good use! Seasonal candy, colorful candy, chocolate candy, even weird candy! We have a good family friend who always makes candy at the holidays and I want to follow in her footsteps.. SO.. I am going to be trying out lots of recipes between now and Christmas and I will give reviews after each trial!! Have any favorites? Ideas? Send them to me and I will try them out!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Getting Organized!!

I love being able to stay at home, but I will admit sometimes the housework can seem daunting. It's a constant battle to keep the place clean, laundry done, and food cooked.  So I decided I needed to divide the housework up into a schedule! I think it's a great idea because it allows me to keep the house clean without feeling like I have the WHOLE place to clean up EVERYDAY!

Here's my schedule:

Sun:   Kitchen, Living Room, and Laundry (This is also the day I clip coupons from the Sunday paper)
Mon*: Husband's Day Off so I just pick up after him :)
Tues: Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Laundry
Wed: Kitchen-Clean out Fridge :p, Living Room, Laundry
Thu*:  Floors, Dusting, Closets
Fri:   Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Laundry
Sat:  All Over Cleaning, Make Menu and Grocery list

*Trash Day

What are your housekeeping secrets and tips??

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Inspirational Sunday Story.. on Tuesday..

Ok. I know I have slacked off a bit. I have been wanting to tell this story but it's been a battle to sit down and relive it.

First I need to give you a little background information.  Ryan and I are very passionate about helping special needs individuals, we actually met while volunteering at a camp for adults with special needs.  We have even talked about the possibility of adopting in the future. Well about February of last year I woke up feeling a heaviness in my soul, and I knew I had heard God whispering to me. I went to Ryan and told him God was showing me that there was going to be a special needs "baby boy" that needed US in the near future. I knew that God was speaking to me and so I started praying for the strength to do what he needed me to do. I had no idea what he was preparing me for.

Fast forward to April 15, a horrible story in the news, an unidentified 3 or so year old boy had been found dead in a park near where I grew up.  As the days progressed it came to be known that the boy was actually 6 years old with severe medical problems and many special needs. He required a feeding tube and would have required around the clock care, but yet he was still unidentified. My heart was absolutely broken. Someone had removed his feeding tube and left him in a pile of brush. Who was this boy? Surely someone was looking for him, loved him, wanted him... I decided I had to do something.. anything..

I got on Facebook and started a page for our "angel". I sent requests out to everyone I knew. The page grew faster than I could handle. Luckily a few wonderful ladies came to my rescue. We did everything in our power to keep the story in the news everyday, we even organized a candlelight vigil in his honor. I was furious that this wasn't national news, and terrified that someone was going to get away with this horrible crime. The page grew to over 40k members in a week.  There were a lot of sleepless nights, tears, and an amazing showing of community. The people of Wylie came together and lifted this boy up.

Eight days later I see a picture of a beautiful boy flash up on my television screen with the words "Wylie's Angel Identified" streaming across. My heart leaped! I fumbled to find the remote and turn up the volume, it finally happened. I grabbed my phone and called one of my new friends who had kept me sane in the past week. "WE HAVE A NAME!! PRAISE GOD!!" I shouted through tears. We cried and rejoiced for the next few minutes then set out a game plan. We met up at the site where he was found, which had turned into a makeshift memorial. We taped signs saying he was identified, we hugged, and we cried.. a lot..

In the next few days we would learn that he was left there by his maternal grandmother.  I won't go into the details of  the rest of his family , but I will say this.. He was loved.. He was wanted.. This DID NOT have to happen. There were other family members who would have gladly taken him and cared for him.

I hadn't thought about the message I had received from God until one day Ryan said " I think Gerren was the baby boy with special needs God wanted you to help!" Wow. My mind was blown. God had been preparing my heart for this. I had not even realized it.

I am not telling this story to toot my own horn, I could not have been nearly as effective without the help I received from two wonderful women. As I sit here with tears streaming down my face I want to stress two things this experience has taught me; you must always listen to the little God whispers, and one person CAN make a difference.

You may not think this story is very inspirational, but the way the Community rallied around a little boy none of them knew and the things it taught me give me inspiration. Needless to say I will never forget this experience. I feel blessed that God trusted me to do something that would make an impact. God also blessed me with several life long friends that I know would go to end of the earth for me, and for that I am so thankful.

My heart has been forever changed, and I want to make a difference. I want to be an advocate for those who cannot stand up for themselves. I don't know how I will do this but I know I will..

Oh and in case you were wondering.. The "grandmother" (age 64)  was sentenced to 28 years for Murder, but the real judgement day is yet to come.

Rest in Peace Angel.. I will never forget you.

To Coupon or Not to Coupon?..

We have all seen the "Crazy Coupon Lady" walking around with her accordion file filled with coupons and wondered if it was worth it. As a one income family I am always looking for ways to save money, but the show "Extreme Couponing" gives me anxiety. The thought of spending hours organizing coupons, going to the grocery store, filling numerous carts of items I don't need, and spending hours in the check-out line just doesn't sound appealing especially with a 6 month old.
This weekend I picked up a couple of Sunday papers trying to find a happy medium.  Honestly, I didn't do so well.  Part of it was due to the fact that my husband decided to  pick up all of his personal care items (shaving cream, razors, etc.) BEFORE I had picked up the Sunday paper. The best coupons I found were for, you guessed it, personal care items.. erghhh.. The coupons I did find combined with store specials saved me about five dollars, not near as exciting as the 80% savings you see on "Extreme Couponing" but every little bit helps. I think with a little more organization I can really make it work for me.
So here's my game plan.. Before going to the grocery store I will check the local ads to see what deals the stores are running on meats (preferably organic) and from there I will develop a menu for the next two weeks. Then I will make up a grocery list of all the things I need for the next two weeks. On Sunday I will get a couple of Sunday papers and try to match coupons to items I need. (I won't be building a stockpile unless there is a really great deal or free offer) Mondays will be grocery shopping days.. It will take a little more effort, but if I can save money it's totally worth it..
Do you coupon? any ideas/suggestions? Have you had success?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Housewife

Being a young stay-at-home mom I have seen many judgemental looks when people find out what I do.  Many assume that I am being held back from following my dreams because I am a housewife. The truth is I absolutely love what I do. My biggest dream in life is to support my husband and children in helping all of their dreams come true. I love that I am able to stay at home and cater to my family's every need. I don't think that makes me any better or worse than any other woman. My husband has big enough dreams for both of us and I feel very blessed that God has made his dreams become OUR dreams.

I also get the feeling from my own experiences and conversations with other housewives that many people assume that houswives must be dumb because they don't have jobs.  As a housewife you have to be able to balance the check book, pay the bills, have great time management skills, cook, and clean.  My family is the most important thing to me and this is what I feel is the best option for my family. Being a one income family does mean that we have to sacrifice some things that we want, but for now we are able to have everything we need.   

I just felt I needed to get this off my chest. Don't make assumptions about someone else's life because it doesn't fit your idea of perfect. You know what they say about when you assume. ;)

My life is perfect the way it is..

"To be a housewife is ... a difficult, a wrenching, sometimes an ungrateful job if it is looked on only as a job. Regarded as a profession, it is the noblest as it is the most ancient of the catalogue. Let none persuade us differently or the world is lost indeed."
-Phyllis McGinley

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ohh Baby...

My original idea for todays post was to write about neat baby gadgets that I wanted. This morning I started my search for "cool baby gadgets" and found some really strange things. So today I will bring you the best of the worst in baby gadgets...

Baby Bangs
As the mother of a nearly bald baby girl I have often wished I could put bows in my daughters hair, but this is downright creepy. I have seen the baby toupees like the Donald Trump and thought they were funny.. But I think these are serious.. yikes..

Barf Bags

When I was pregnant I had HORRIBLE morning sickness. However I dont recall thinking "if only I had a designer doggy bag".  Are these supposed to make you feel better? WEIRD! But I guess if your going to carry around a bag just in case why not show off your fashion sense

Snot Sucker

You may need those barf bags after seeing this product. Can't get out those baby boogers well just use this straw and suck them out... Uhmm no thank you

Baby Keeper

This just looks dangerous! It's like a towel rack for babies..

Pee Pee Bottle
Everyone hates having to stop a million times on roadtrips right? Well here is a solution. Let's just hope everyone realizes this is not a refreshment..

Any weird products you would like to share??

Monday, August 1, 2011


Ryan and I LOVE cheese!! I could probably spend a million dollars on cheese, cheese complements and cheese accessories.. (oh yes cheese has accessories) Sometimes nothing hits the spot better than a glass of wine, and a lovely cheese plate!! The Gourmet Library is a great resource for all things cheese. The best thing about The Gourmet Library is many of their products have video reviews and they even give pairing suggestions!!! Last year Ryan and I made dates stuffed with Gorgonzola Dolce wrapped in bacon for a Christmas party... They. Were. DEVINE.  Like Mac' and Cheese?? Can't get better than Cabot Cheddar by Jasper Hill. (It's Delicious by itself) Baked or Fried brie is delicious especially with some Apricot preserves. (I would use Coulommiers Brie Rouzaire) But my absolute FAVORITE cheese.. the KING of all cheese.. is.... ROQUEFORT SOCIETE BEE! You can find many of these at Whole Foods or Central Market as well. Now go try something new you will thank me!!

"Wine and cheese are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and moon, or good people and noble ventures."
M.F.K. Fisher

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Inspirational Sunday Story

Each Sunday I want to feature an inspirational story to bring hope, peace, or even just a smile.  This week I asked my dear friend Mandy of Honey and Thread to share her life story with you. I am so thankful to her and very proud of her for sharing. I hope I can have the courage and strength to share my story with everyone someday. I hope you enjoy Mandy's story and check out her blog. Have a Blessed Sunday!

Hey everyone! Malorie asked me to share my story with you all. I'm going to do my best to share as much as I can. Of course, there are a few things I'd rather keep private but I'll try to get everything in there. Here we go...

When I was born I had a lot of health issues. Some of those include 2 holes in my heart, it was enlarged and also my heart tissue is harder than it should be. Those conditions are from the things that I endured while in the womb and right after I was born. Needless to say, it wasn't the most ideal environment to be born into. After I was born it didn't take long and I was adopted by my biological aunt and her husband. I am extremely grateful for them and everything I have been blessed with because without them I wouldn't have been able to get the medical care I needed for my heart. I was adopted by the time I was 6 months old so I never knew my biological parents. I was always given the option to see them and meet them anytime I wanted to but that was never a desire I have ever had. Knowing that my health problems, which caused me to miss out on almost everything as a child (I'll get to that in a minute), I didn't really want to meet the people responsible for that. I was never allowed to stress my heart which meant no running, dancing, cheerleading, sports, rollercoasters, haunted houses or anything that would put me under stress or cause my heart to beat fast. My childhood consisted of lots of reading, swimming and piano. I really don't think I'd change my childhood though. I'm glad that I read a lot because now I am a great at spelling and a very fast reader thanks to it. I also love swimming and I wish I would have stuck with piano. I am glad that I am a cautious person because of my restrictions and although people tell me I'm a party pooper sometimes I rather enjoy being safe and not doing silly things that could harm me.  Recently, a lot has changed. My heart condition has gotten so much better. The holes are closed up and the talk of heart surgery or a transplant has been a lot quieter lately and my doctor has told me that if I do have to have one of those it will most likely be much later in my life. I do still take medicine daily to thin my blood so my heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood and I will never be able to get off of the medicine but I think that's a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things.

Something else that is new is that I have reconnected with my biological siblings. When I was adopted I gained 2 adoptive brothers who I love more than anything and they will never be less than my brothers. I have never thought of them as my cousins. They have and always will be my Bubba and Davy-O. I have 3 biological half siblings and 4 biological full siblings. About 2 years ago my biological mother died. My half-sister got in touch with my Mom to let her know what happened and when the funeral was and at first I didn't want to go. I talked with my parents for a while and we finally decided that if I ever wanted to see her this would be my last chance and it would also give me a chance to meet all of my siblings at one time and decide if I wanted to continue to talk to them or not. So, we went...

The day of the funeral was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever experienced. I dressed up and my Mom and Dad went with me. My Mom is the baby of 14 kids and her brother is my biological father. She doesn't speak to her family much if at all so she was nervous too. She hadn't seen or talked to any of them in like 10 or more years. Needless to say, it was not a fun car ride. When we got there the first people we saw automatically knew who we were. Keep in mind no one has seen me since I was a baby so they only recognized us because of my Mom. My half-sister Amber found us and it was a little awkward at first but she was really nice and made it a lot easier for me to handle meeting the others. The next person I met was my full sister. She is a year and a half younger than me. She was not doing very good since it was her mom's funeral. I was the only full sibling that was adopted. The rest of my full siblings grew up with their biological parents. So, I didn't get to talk to her much but it was rather awkward anyway. I also met my full brother who is 3 years younger than me and one of my half brothers. I also had to see my biological father. It was the weirdest thing I've ever done in my life. It was really weird and not fun at all. I still keep in touch with my two younger full siblings and my half-sister. Other than that I'd rather just keep my distance and not talk to the others. I'm not prepared for that nor do I want to even have to be prepared. They are not people I want to be associated with. I am so happy that ,even though the circumstances were unfavorable, I got to meet those 3 and that they are now a permanent part of my life. I went 19 years of my life not knowing them or ever seeing them and it's like we have never been apart.

Now, let's get back to my heart problems. I left one important part out of the first part of my story. It's easy to assume that since I can't do  so many things that will stress my heart it's safe to say that I can't have children either. I have never really thought about having kids. I'm only 21. The thought just hasn't crossed my mind yet. I am happily married and have been for almost 3 years now (September 9th will be 3 years of marriage and 7 years of being together.) I married my high school sweetheart and I couldn't have asked for a better husband and best friend. I have always had a hard time during school mainly elementary with people not being able to accept my health issues. I have had people not want to be my friend and people asking tons of questions and just being nosey. One other health issue I have is that my neck is wider than it normally should be. You would never be able to tell unless I pointed it out because I wear my hair down all the time but if the wind blows or if I wear my hair up (I haven't in years in public) then you could see it. I've been made fun of for that so many times. But my amazing husband loves every single little thing about me. I can't even stand to see my hair up because of the problems I've had and it's his favorite thing. If I put my hair up to clean or something he will get the biggest most genuine smile on his face and tell me he loves my hair in a pony tail. He is the first person I have ever known to not care at all about any of my health problems. He tells me that since my heart is enlarged that just means I have a big heart and that's why I'm so sweet. He will get more upset than I will if someone asks me about my heart or neck. It's the sweetest thing ever. I love him so much. Back to the kids thing...I have been to so many doctors in my life and had so many tests done for my heart my entire life. When it came time to get married we of course had to decide what we were going to do about having kids since I can't physically have my own. This would be a deal breaker with a lot of people but it was not even a problem for him to offer to go to the doctor himself and make sure that we would never have to choose between me or a baby. Not even 2 months after we were married he was in the doctor's office "getting fixed." He was nervous of course but he was more than willing to do what he needed to do to keep me safe. I can never thank him enough for that. That is a big sacrifice to make but he did it with a smile on his face and he would do it again in a heartbeat. He is proud that he was able to protect his family. I really don't know what I'd do without him.

I know this post was kind of long but I have never actually sat down to write down my story. I was doing good until I got to the part about my husband and that made me tear up. Happy tears of course. I'm glad that Malorie asked me to do this. I hope that you all find some inspiration in this story or at least a good read.

Honey and Thread

Friday, July 29, 2011

Who wants a chance for free makeup?

Hey Ladies, I am Sooooo excited! I am a new Mary Kay consultant and my director has challenged me to sell $24 worth of product to 24 people in the next 24 hours!! I KNOW I can do it because I have some AWESOME family and friends!! AND if you place an order in the next 24 hrs I will put your name in a drawing to recieve your order FREE!!

Mary Kay!

Summer Lovin'

Summer is here and with it comes many delicious meals. One of my all time favorites would have to be Ratatouille or the fancier version Confit Byaldi. Last summer my husband decided to make it after a lovely trip to the farmers market.

It's definitely no easy task and you will need a mandolin (although my hubbie did these slices by hand), but the end product is definitely worth it. We served it with a delicious seared pork chop, but it works well alone.
Ryan didn't use a recipe he just went off of memory but below you will find one of his favorites. Bon Appetit!

Serves 4 to 6.
• 1/2 red pepper, seeds and ribs removed
• 1/2 yellow pepper, seeds and ribs removed
• 1/2 orange pepper, seeds and ribs removed
• 5 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided
• 1 1/2 tsp. minced garlic, divided
• 1/2 c. finely diced yellow onion
• 3 tomatoes (about 12 oz.), peeled, seeded and finely diced, juices reserved
• 1 sprig fresh thyme
• 1 sprig flat-leaf parsley
• 1/2 bay leaf
• 1 zucchini (4 to 5 oz.) sliced in 1/16-in. rounds
• 1 Japanese eggplant (4 to 5 oz.), sliced into 1/16-in. rounds
• 1 yellow squash (4 to 5 oz. ), sliced into 1/16-in. rounds
• 4 Roma tomatoes, sliced into 1/16-in. rounds
• 1/8 tsp. dried thyme leaves
• 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Heat the oven to 450 degrees. Place the peppers cut side down on a foil-lined sheet. Roast until skin loosens, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let rest until cool enough to handle. Peel and chop finely.
Combine 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon garlic and onion in medium skillet over low heat until very soft but not browned, about 8 minutes. Add the tomatoes, their juices, fresh thyme, parsley and bay leaf. Simmer over low heat until very soft and very little liquid remains, about 10 minutes. Do not brown.
Add peppers and simmer to soften them. Season to taste with salt and discard herbs. Reserve 1 tablespoon of the mixture and spread remainder in bottom of an 8-inch skillet.
Reduce the heat in the oven to 275 degrees.
Down the center of the skillet arrange a strip of alternating slices of zucchini, eggplant, yellow squash and Roma tomatoes, overlapping so that 1/4 inch of each slice is exposed. Around the center strip, overlap the vegetables in a close spiral that lets slices mound slightly toward center. Repeat until pan is filled.
Mix 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic, 2 teaspoons olive oil in bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle over the vegetables.
Cover pan with foil and seal well. Bake until vegetables are tender, about 2 hours. Uncover and bake for 30 minutes more.
For the final topping combine the reserved tablespoon of sauce with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil, the vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste in a bowl. Drizzle around plate. Serve hot.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I was laying in bed the other morning both of my sweeties had their arms around me, and I couldn't help but smile thinking about how blessed I am. I have a beautiful daughter who is growing and learning everyday and I have the most amazing husband I could ever ask for.  Ryan is such a hard working man and I am so incredibly proud of him. Until recently he was working two jobs so that I could stay home with our daughter, and since his promotion he is still working about 70 hours a week.  He has ambition, drive, and big dreams!! But the thing I am most proud of is his faith and how it continues to grow. PLUS he is quite adorable and he can cook! What more can you ask for?

 I strive to be the best wife possible so that I can bless him. I am in constant prayer for him and our family. One book that I absolutely love is The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. It has taught me how to pray for Ryan and what to pray for.  I truely believe that reading this book has strengthened my marriage and it is a must read!

These past two years have been pretty crazy but they have taught me how much God loves me and have made me realize how incredibly blessed I am!  Without my family and friends support I don't know where I would be today. I  was taking life for granted, but now I see how easy it is to lose everything. To all of my family and friends who have been there for me- Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! 

Counting my blessings would be like trying to count the stars in the sky..

" A sense of blessedness comes from a change of heart, not from more blessings"
-Mason Cooley

A Little About Me..

First off thanks for reading my blog! My name is Malorie and I am a stay at home wife and mother and its the best job in the world. My husband is a graduate of the New England Culinary Institute and is currently the Sous Chef at one of the top Italian restaurants in the nation.  I have a beautiful 5 month old daughter named Landri who keeps me very busy! My faith is a guiding force in my life and I am relying on God to teach me to be the best wife and mother possible. I will be sharing everything from stories to recipes and restaurant reviews. I hope you enjoy my blog and come back!