
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Inspirational Sunday Story.. on Tuesday..

Ok. I know I have slacked off a bit. I have been wanting to tell this story but it's been a battle to sit down and relive it.

First I need to give you a little background information.  Ryan and I are very passionate about helping special needs individuals, we actually met while volunteering at a camp for adults with special needs.  We have even talked about the possibility of adopting in the future. Well about February of last year I woke up feeling a heaviness in my soul, and I knew I had heard God whispering to me. I went to Ryan and told him God was showing me that there was going to be a special needs "baby boy" that needed US in the near future. I knew that God was speaking to me and so I started praying for the strength to do what he needed me to do. I had no idea what he was preparing me for.

Fast forward to April 15, a horrible story in the news, an unidentified 3 or so year old boy had been found dead in a park near where I grew up.  As the days progressed it came to be known that the boy was actually 6 years old with severe medical problems and many special needs. He required a feeding tube and would have required around the clock care, but yet he was still unidentified. My heart was absolutely broken. Someone had removed his feeding tube and left him in a pile of brush. Who was this boy? Surely someone was looking for him, loved him, wanted him... I decided I had to do something.. anything..

I got on Facebook and started a page for our "angel". I sent requests out to everyone I knew. The page grew faster than I could handle. Luckily a few wonderful ladies came to my rescue. We did everything in our power to keep the story in the news everyday, we even organized a candlelight vigil in his honor. I was furious that this wasn't national news, and terrified that someone was going to get away with this horrible crime. The page grew to over 40k members in a week.  There were a lot of sleepless nights, tears, and an amazing showing of community. The people of Wylie came together and lifted this boy up.

Eight days later I see a picture of a beautiful boy flash up on my television screen with the words "Wylie's Angel Identified" streaming across. My heart leaped! I fumbled to find the remote and turn up the volume, it finally happened. I grabbed my phone and called one of my new friends who had kept me sane in the past week. "WE HAVE A NAME!! PRAISE GOD!!" I shouted through tears. We cried and rejoiced for the next few minutes then set out a game plan. We met up at the site where he was found, which had turned into a makeshift memorial. We taped signs saying he was identified, we hugged, and we cried.. a lot..

In the next few days we would learn that he was left there by his maternal grandmother.  I won't go into the details of  the rest of his family , but I will say this.. He was loved.. He was wanted.. This DID NOT have to happen. There were other family members who would have gladly taken him and cared for him.

I hadn't thought about the message I had received from God until one day Ryan said " I think Gerren was the baby boy with special needs God wanted you to help!" Wow. My mind was blown. God had been preparing my heart for this. I had not even realized it.

I am not telling this story to toot my own horn, I could not have been nearly as effective without the help I received from two wonderful women. As I sit here with tears streaming down my face I want to stress two things this experience has taught me; you must always listen to the little God whispers, and one person CAN make a difference.

You may not think this story is very inspirational, but the way the Community rallied around a little boy none of them knew and the things it taught me give me inspiration. Needless to say I will never forget this experience. I feel blessed that God trusted me to do something that would make an impact. God also blessed me with several life long friends that I know would go to end of the earth for me, and for that I am so thankful.

My heart has been forever changed, and I want to make a difference. I want to be an advocate for those who cannot stand up for themselves. I don't know how I will do this but I know I will..

Oh and in case you were wondering.. The "grandmother" (age 64)  was sentenced to 28 years for Murder, but the real judgement day is yet to come.

Rest in Peace Angel.. I will never forget you.

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