
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Housewife

Being a young stay-at-home mom I have seen many judgemental looks when people find out what I do.  Many assume that I am being held back from following my dreams because I am a housewife. The truth is I absolutely love what I do. My biggest dream in life is to support my husband and children in helping all of their dreams come true. I love that I am able to stay at home and cater to my family's every need. I don't think that makes me any better or worse than any other woman. My husband has big enough dreams for both of us and I feel very blessed that God has made his dreams become OUR dreams.

I also get the feeling from my own experiences and conversations with other housewives that many people assume that houswives must be dumb because they don't have jobs.  As a housewife you have to be able to balance the check book, pay the bills, have great time management skills, cook, and clean.  My family is the most important thing to me and this is what I feel is the best option for my family. Being a one income family does mean that we have to sacrifice some things that we want, but for now we are able to have everything we need.   

I just felt I needed to get this off my chest. Don't make assumptions about someone else's life because it doesn't fit your idea of perfect. You know what they say about when you assume. ;)

My life is perfect the way it is..

"To be a housewife is ... a difficult, a wrenching, sometimes an ungrateful job if it is looked on only as a job. Regarded as a profession, it is the noblest as it is the most ancient of the catalogue. Let none persuade us differently or the world is lost indeed."
-Phyllis McGinley

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